Love birds, sir?
Monograph: Lovebirds, sir? with essays by Karin Leonhard and Rachel Poliquin, for sale here: http://www.saintgeorgesbookshop.com/
or contact me directly.... -
Birds, Haus der Natur, Salzburg
publihsed on the occasion of the show "Birds" at Haus der Natur, Salzburg, Austria. for sale here: https://www.hausdernatur.at/de/museumsshop.html
Prometehan Boldness
E Book Promethean Boldness, published by The Green Box, including an essay by Andrea Galdy, an interview with Axel Lapp and Paolo Agnelli.
Purchase here: thegreenbox.net/de/buecher/nikolairmer-pb -
Antennae - Painting Animals
Antennae, Issue 25, Summer 2013, edit. by GIovanni Aloi, download here: https://www.antennae.org.uk/back-issues-1
Personals, 2005, essays by Scott Budzynski, Robert Felfe and interview with Wolfgang Ullrich